Development and Training
Development and Training
“This workshop was extraordinary in so many ways. There was a great balance between content and hands-on real plays, followed by appreciative and supportive practice.”
John Glaza
Glaza Consulting
Training builds relationships, forges shared knowledge and skills, aligns strengths, and fosters commitment. It ensures that members of today’s multigenerational, highly diverse workforce have the knowledge and skills needed to contribute their best.
We are highly skilled, dynamic educators, building organizational and community capacity to build and sustain high performance. We help people to thrive in today’s dynamic and challenging environment.
We integrate the latest social and neuroscience theories with research about Appreciative Inquiry, change management, positive organizational development, strengths, design thinking and U-process into experiential learning programs. Our workshops meet the needs of diverse learning styles by balancing theory and practice, lecture and dialogue, and personal and organizational applications. The result is practical, accessible learning leading to lasting results for individuals and organizations.
We offer open/public development programs, as well as in-house offerings that are integrated with whole-scale change efforts. We have a variety of proven in-house programs on topics related to positive change and Appreciative Inquiry, targeted towards:
- Leadership and management development
- Team building
- Customer satisfaction
- Governance
- Lean
- Innovation
- Appreciative practices for manufacturing, health care, local government, education and more
- Appreciative Leadership
The world of work has changed. Approaches to leadership that served well in the past do not address the challenges of our time. We offer one- to two-year leadership programs that develop new paradigm leadership capacities: relational practices applicable across industries, sectors and arenas of collaborative actions.
Appreciative Leadership Development Program (ALDP)©
A fully affirmative four-day session focused on building awareness of strengths and leadership high performance patterns. This workshop is an opportunity for new leaders and leaders in transition to create a clear, positive vision and path forward for leadership and life success.
Appreciative Leadership in Practice
Offered as one-day modules, these practice-oriented workshops can be mixed and matched to meet your organization’s needs. Choose one to target a specific skill and build capacity. Choose five or more and create a comprehensive program to build skills in the innovative practices needed to transform your leadership style and organization culture. Some of the many Appreciative Leadership Practices we teach include: The Art of the Question, Strengths Spotting, Root Cause of Success Analysis, Appreciative Interviewing, Story Telling, Flipping Problems, Appreciative Strategic Planning, Triple Bottom Line Decision Making, and Appreciative Coaching.
Leading with Positive Power
A series of four workshops this program takes participants on the journey of leadership, from self-awareness, to building skills, to practical applications. It begins with a deep discovery of participants’ leadership strengths and ends with a practicum in community service. It includes four one-day workshops, all of which include pre-work and follow-up:
Leading Employees
Engaging Customers
Building Efficient Operations
Creating a Strong Financial Backbone
In addition, the series includes two day-long follow up sessions.
Public Workshops
In addition to our internal workshops and trainings, we also provide a wide range of open enrollment programs on leadership development and organizational effectiveness. Our core workshops are:
- The Power of Appreciative Inquiry. This three- to four-day workshop focuses on how to build energy, get focus and build momentum for positive change. Learn how to bring out the best of yourself and your organization using a proven method that has achieved positive results in organizations and communities around the world.
- Appreciative Leadership Development Program©. Discover and build upon your leadership positive core, then mobilize your creative potential, skill and confidence. Experience processes that will unleash positive power among those you lead.
- Appreciative Alchemy. <li> Expand your appreciative consciousness, discover life-affirming possibilities, and learn new ways of living and working in the energetically positive through this four-day retreat.
- Appreciative Coaching. This is a workshop for coaches, consultants and managers who want to better support personal well-being, high performance and leadership excellence. You will learn to apply Appreciative Inquiry to coaching; craft appreciative questions; listen to discover affirming metaphors and seeds of potential.
- Appreciative Team Building. Provide your team with everything it needs to discover the keys to past successes and future possibilities. Learn how to enhance your team’s performance by igniting engaging conversations.
- Appreciative Inquiry Summit (Online). Learn how to design and facilitate large-scale meetings that ignite inspiration and accelerate action to achieve exceptional results. This program is delivered online, in eight 2½-hour, highly interactive sessions.
Many of the attendees are leaders and change agents interested in sustainable results through positive change and an entrepreneurial spirit. These workshops are a combination of various organizations and backgrounds, and stimulate new thinking, cross- cultural, and cross-sectional.
These workshops will provide you with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to adapt and apply Appreciative Inquiry to your work.
Welcome to our learning community. Please join us in one of our workshops in North America, Europe or Asia.
Ready to Get to Work?
Our global team is ready to assist you in reaching all your goals. It’s easy to get started.